In Sonder I Trust

Unsolicited vignettes on the complexity and colours of culture and conversations around me

In Sonder I Trust is a quasi-regular collage of my life as a hyper-aware third culture adult navigating the complexity of life - mine and of those around me. I’ve always been an avid scriber of my days in all of its flux and technicolour.

Obsessed as I am with saudade, this newsletter is intended to be an anchor, for perambulating nomads like me entering a new decade of life (#30s) and for all of you looking for an anchor of sorts.

Change has been and will continue to be a constant in my life. But…In Sonder I Trust.

Save a portion of your weekly reading time quota and you will receive plentiful musings, some existentialist and some just for the mmrs.

Subscribe to In Sonder I Trust

Sapio scraps on the complexity and colourful chaos of culture and conversations; that's enough alliteration for now.


a cliché third culture kid and amateur photographer scribing about a new decade of complexity and colour