So much glory in this post, I am glad that I landed here today, so early into 2024 and into my day. I feel like your questions relate to my love for reclaiming language - I feel like that is a word that so many of those around me embody in this moment, but don't (choose or need to) outwardly say (or claim). I also will sit with your question about our capitalist-obsessed life and how we are able to own and hold what isn't entirely ours to keep. Love this. This: 'I am, in search of not just any words, but those that feel uniquely mine.' is a big vibe too.

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Jan 3Author

Amara, thank you so much for your thoughtful and beautiful comment ! I am a new entrant to the Substack universe and it means a lot to hear such heartening relatability from one writer to another. And yes, I feel we spend so much time focusing on singular words - perhaps our human obsession with putting each other and everything into boxes. ❤️ but 2024 offers us a respite to carve our own letters. Would love to collaborate on a piece together! Let me know how best to get in touch.

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